Courses:Intensive reading; business Chinese
- Biography
- Articles
2009/09 – Present School of International Education in SJTU
Teaching beginning and intermediate level Chinese
2005/09 - 2009/06 East China Normal University (Ph. D)
Major: Linguistics and applied linguistics
2002/09 - 2005/06 East China Normal University (M.A)
Major: Chinese modern and contemporary literature
1. Tan Xuhu. Cross-cultural Image of Confucius: On Jonathan Spence’s Confucius
Study, Journal of Central South University (Social Science Edition), 2014(10).
2. Tan Xuhu. On the Teaching of China’s International Students’ Cross Cultural
Communication Course, Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education, 2014(7): 4-
3. Tan Xuhu. Recognition and Construction of Modern China Image in the West:
On Jonathan Spence’s The Search for Modern China, Journal of Hangzhou Normal
University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2014(1): 123-128.
4. Tan Xuhu. Multicultural Background and Heritage: the China Study of Jonathan
Spence, Chinese Social Sciences Today, Feb 15, 2012.
5. Tan Xuhu. Culture Introduction Strategies in the Teaching of Elementary
Chinese, Taoli Academic Journal, 2010: 220-227.
6. Tan Xuhu. Imagine China: On Jonathan Spence’s Chan's Great Continent,
Comparative Literature in China, 2010(1): 102-110.